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Devopsbay Recognized as a Top Developer in Poland

November 18th, 2019 by Michał Kułaczkowski
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Here at Devopsbay, we specialize in custom software and product development for all of your needs. Clutch has recognized our company as having highly-skilled developers and technologists. Our profile on Clutch highlights all of the services we offer including mainly custom software development, but also web development and IT strategy consulting. We also cater to all business sizes from small all the way up to enterprise businesses.

Clutch is a ratings and review firm which does all of the work of comparing companies for you. Based in Washington D.C., Clutch collects reviews of different agencies and service providers and publishes them on their website. This information is conveniently organized on company profile pages as well as on cumulative matrices. Our profile includes reviews from clients, including a quote from the CEO of Leanfra praising our practices in programming, deployment, and CI.

We have also been featured on Clutch’s sister sites, The Manifest and Visual Objects. The Manifest is a blog style review site in which we are featured as one of the best technology firms in Poland.

Clutch’s other sister site, Visual Objects, recognizes the visual portfolio accomplishments of companies. Poland B2B research companies have been featured here and we are excited to join them soon.

Quote We hope that this award will help us reach new clients abroad - Michał Kułaczkowski, CEO

We are proud of the work we have completed thus far and we have high hopes for our work in the future. If you would like to look into our company more, send us a note and we’ll be in touch!

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