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Why is Kubernetes most popular?

Kubernetes has established itself as the leading container orchestration tool on the market, helping software developers work with containerization technology to make their applications more consistent, resource-efficient, scalable, and secure.

This article will show you how a developer, who uses Kubernetes in production, can take advantage of containerization with minimal effort, will explain you why Kubernetes is so popular, and show you a Kubernetes service example.

What is the main purpose of Kubernetes?

The efficient way in which Kubernetes achieves its primary goal of providing developers with a flexible and robust infrastructure for deploying, managing, and scaling software featured with containerized architecture is one of the major reasons for its popularity. The numerous features of Kubernetes and the comprehensive support it provides for developers make this system an ultimate tool for container orchestration.

This suite can manage the deployment and maintenance of application containers and microservices across a cluster of machines by automating a variety of processes such as resource allocation, container scheduling, and load management.

To orchestrate the work of containerized software, Kubernetes automatically controls the addition and removal of containers based on demand and leverages balancing mechanisms for load distribution. The platform is also equipped with fault tolerance and self-healing mechanisms for the automated management of failed containers. It also supports incremental updates with rollout automation and health monitoring, as well as the ability to automatically revert to a previous version if needed.

In addition, Kubernetes includes a powerful network layer that enables effective communication between containers within the same cluster. Altogether, these features ensure the stability, reliability, and scalability of cloud-native applications, which is one of the main reasons for Kubernetes' popularity.

Although the cutting-edge features that characterize Kubernetes make it one of the most common choices of organizations looking for container orchestration tools, 4 reasons make it the most popular container orchestration solution.

The most important reason for its popularity is the fact that it is the only fully open-source system with comprehensive functionality.

The second reason is its ability to run in virtually any environment. In addition, Kubernetes provides developers and IT engineers with comprehensive control through its command-line utilities and deployment files.

Finally, the suite has little fragmentation, which makes Kubernetes minimum requirements for switching between different distributions easy to meet.

Why is Kubernetes important for DevOps?

Software house DevOps staff, who uses Kubernetes in production, benefits from an ultimate solution that supports the best practices recommended by the methodological approach that integrates the work of IT operations and software development.

Kubernetes aligns the deployment process with the DevOps principles by making it consistent and repeatable. This is possible primarily due to the powerful automation and infrastructure-as-code approach mentioned above.

One of the key features that make Kubernetes so useful for DevOps teams is also the seamless integration with CI/CD pipelines, which makes it possible to use this platform for deploying containerized applications in different environments.

Furthermore, Kubernetes' scaling mechanisms allow DevOps to quickly respond to fluctuations in workloads and efficiently handle increased traffic without much effort. Kubernetes' ability to optimize resource usage further simplifies DevOps' task of maintaining the stability of their cloud applications. With this platform, DevOps can define resource requests for containers and set optimal limits to avoid resource conflicts, while meeting DevOps reliability goals thanks to Kubernetes' self-healing capabilities.

The DevOps working model is also supported by the nature of the Kubernetes platform, which serves as a centralized system that can bridge the gap between operations and development teams. Kubernetes ensures consistency of the containerized environment throughout all development and production phases, which also improves collaboration and accelerates feedback loops within the DevOps team.

The proactive working principles of DevOps teams are assisted by the monitoring tools included in Kubernetes which in turn enables teams to resolve issues and work on optimization faster.

Finally, DevOps can integrate a variety of other tools to customize the Kubernetes environment to meet the unique needs of their projects.

These are some of the main reasons why Kubernetes is so popular with DevOps.

Kubernetes in practice: What does it look like?

Typically, DevOps staff who uses Kubernetes in production has gone through several essential steps for successful adoption. This includes defining goals and specific use cases for the Kubernetes implementation, assessing infrastructure readiness for platform adoption, choosing the optimal deployment model, designing the Kubernetes architecture, and of course assembling the right team to work with the Kubernetes tools and investing in training.

While Kubernetes deployment is profitable for businesses when done properly, the process can be quite challenging without the right specialists. To save time and avoid unnecessary mistakes, businesses can turn to Kubernetes consulting companies, which successfully handle most of the tasks related to the implementation of this system. They will support teams in the Kubernetes readiness assessment process and verify that the Kubernetes minimum requirements are met, work on architecture design, help with containerization and application migration and deal with DevOps integration. Moreover, they can take care of Kubernetes compliance and security as well as the scalability of the system.

In addition, Kubernetes consulting companies may also offer training and workshops that enhance the adoption of the new tools. There is also another Kubernetes service example. Some DevOps-as-a-Service teams work extensively with Kubernetes and can either offer you the help of Kubernetes consulting companies or work for you on your software project using the Kubernetes system.

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